Course Enrolment Directions
These training courses were developed under the direction of the Co-Management Mental Health and Addictions Sub-Committee as part of the Spirit of Healing: Alberta First Nations Conquering Prescription Drug Misuse strategy. We hope your learning will benefit you, your family and friends and community members, and contribute to reducing prescription drug misuse in Alberta First Nations.There is no cost to take the courses and you will receive a certificate upon successful completion.
If you're interested in taking the courses, you must first create an account by clicking on here.
You will then receive an email requiring you confirm your user account. If you do not receive an email or have problems registering, check your junk mail folder and if you still have not received it, email the Site Administrator at training@abfnspiritofhealing.com who will manually confirm your registration.
Once you are registered you can access the site at any time with your user name and password. Click on the course you are interested in, click on "Enrol me" and you will then be registered in that course.